

150 150 geolink

Geodesy is a branch of applied mathematics and earth sciences that determines through observations and measurements the exact position of points, figures and areas of large portions of the earth’s surface, identifies the shape and size of the Earth and variations in Earth’s gravity in three-dimensional space and time. (Source: Wikipedia)

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Topography is a branch of earth measurement science that deals with measurements on land, cadastral units, landforms or other elements, with the study of measurement methods, as well as the analysis of instruments and equipment necessary to carry out activities. The results of topographic measurements are materialized in the preparation of maps, topographic plans, at…

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Urbanism is the operational, integrative, normative activity whose main purpose is to stimulate the complex evolution of localities, by implementing short, medium and long term development strategies, which aims to establish the directions of spatial development of urban and rural localities, in accordance with their potential and the aspirations of the inhabitants and which includes…

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Geographic Information System

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GIS is the acronym derived from Geographic Information System ( Geographic Information System – sometimes translated as GIS in Romanian). This system is used to create, store, analyze and process spatially distributed information through a computerized process. GIS technology can be used in various scientific fields such as: resource management, environmental impact studies, mapping, route…

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